Woman's Day 11/24/08 Woman's Day
The 12 Days of Christmas by Angela Ebron

Your all-in-one guide to a hassle-free holiday

The holidays are right around the corner and your to-do list is more packed than Santa’s sleigh. Not to worry: We’ve got a countdown plan guaranteed to ease you through the season—no partridge or pear tree required!.....

2) Divide and Conquer Tag-team with a pal, advises Karen Hoxmeier, founder of MyBargainBuddy.com. While one of you is at the bookseller for items on both lists, the other can hit the toy store.

3) Set a time limit Get in and out: Shop on your lunch break or arrange to be picked up.

7) Map it out Don’t zigzag around the mall, says Hoxmeier. Plan a clockwise route of stores, starting where you parked.