My name is Karen Hoxmeier. As a stay-home mom with 3 kids, being frugal was just a way of life for me. By clipping grocery coupons and shopping clearance sales, no one ever went without. I also enjoyed the challenge of getting more for less.
When I bought my first computer in July of 1999, my bargain hunting expanded to the online world. I was surprised by all of the great deals I came across. Products marked down 90% and coupon codes for $20 off $20 or more. My friends and family were so impressed, they asked me to email them whenever I bought something. They would forward my emails to their friends and I started getting strangers asking me to email them directly! By November, I had about 500 people in my address book.
Around this time, I decided it would be fun to create a website listing my shopping deals. I bought an HTML how-to book and after lots of trial and error, I did it! I had my own website! It started as a simple, one page list of the bargains I came across over the last week. As time went by, I added categories and pages, and offered a free email newsletter to my visitors.
I never imagined my site would grow as much as it has. MyBargainBuddy has been mentioned in many magazines and newspapers, on the radio, and I’ve even made several TV appearances!
All these years later, I still love finding bargains. Helping others do the same is very rewarding. I enjoy hearing from people who use my website. That’s what keeps me going! If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, I’d love to hear it!