Who would have guessed toilet paper would be the first thing to go in the apocalypse? Alright – maybe I’m being dramatic. It’s not the END of the world, but it’s the end of some comfortable aspects of living. I don’t know about you but I’m breaking a sweat here just thinking about what the grid count will be of the final rolls left in the aisles. All humor aside, now seems like the most appropriate time to upgrade to the bidet lifestyle. They’ve been using them in France for centuries, what’re we so afraid of?
Because bathroom talk is somewhat taboo in our culture, let’s start this conversation with some potty trivia to loosen us up.
Toilet paper was invented in 6th century AD but wasn’t introduced to the United States until the late 19th century. It only caught on when bathrooms found their way indoors in the 1900’s.
Well, what was used before toilet paper you might ask? Wood shavings, old rope, corn cobs, even discarded goose necks. Uhm-YIKES! Nowadays the average American uses 57 sheets of TP a day, which adds up to about 50 pounds a year! I think we can agree that’s a lotta waste.
The age old question is, “If a bird pooped on you, would you feel comfortable just wiping it off with a dry paper towel?” Logic says you’d probably want to do a little rinse with some water first. Why is the concept of applying that to booties so foreign to us?
Tushy is looking to radically change this with their wellness forward, easy to install line of bidets made for anyone and everyone that has a butt. Their mission is simple, to help you achieve a clean, healthy bum and reduce global wastefulness in the process.
Tushy has become a leader in providing sleek, easily accessible bidets at an affordable cost. The installation takes only ten minutes and fits on both round and elongated toilet seats. The device doesn’t require electricity or plumbing, just a quick connection to the water source and you’re ready for rinsing. The cost of a Tushy Classic is equivalent to the cost of about a month and a half of toilet paper for a family of four.

While toilet paper does make quick work of post potty clean up, it does not eliminate all fecal matter, which can stay collected in the residue left by toilet paper where the sun don’t shine. This is not only gross, but poses health hazards for you and your family. Toilet paper can damage the delicate skin of your tush, causing avoidable discomfort and “flushable” wet wipes can wreak havoc on plumbing. Tushy offers the most simple and natural solution – Just wash it away!
Plus, how awesome would it be to never have to be bothered with a backwards toilet paper roll again?! C’mon!
Tushy has over 3,000 five star reviews and they offer a 60 day risk-free guarantee. One of their most recurring reviews is, “I don’t know why I waited so long to get one.” More people have been making the switch to being TP free and Tushy’s easy-to-install bidets have been flying off the shelves.
If you’re ready to give your bottom the clean it deserves, use coupon BUDDY10 at checkout to get 10% off your order at Tushy. Due to current high demand, they are taking backorders now for May delivery, so jump on this deal as quick as you can to reserve your place in line! You’ll see why everyone with a Tushy in their porcelain palace is doing the no-pants-dance about this clean feelin’!
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